Monday, June 15, 2009

A date with flowers...


Our day started with a briefing by Mr. Manohar Kamath who gave us a talk on traits a CEO must have. We were grouped into teams of 2 or 3. In my team I had Col. Deepak ojaha and soumya mishra too. Since we were supposed not to spend our pocket we reached our assigned place –AUNDH, asking for lift. Once we reached the place we started to hunt for the job wildly. At some shop we got a patient ear but at others we were sent back with ‘no’ as the answer. Finally after sweating in the sweltering heat for around an hour we got our break.

There was this florist shop at the corner of the road. To the owner of the shop we made a half-hearted but equally determined offer to be of some use to him in return for a humble remuneration. After pondering for a while he gladly agreed to the whole idea.
I was to arrange flower on the special base created for the purpose called- oasis. First the grass stems are pinned then the flowers in a particular fashion. I was elated by the fact that after being a passive spectator for so many years here I am doing the work all by myself. It certainly gave a new perspective as to how it feels to be a seller than a buyer. To see the bouquets arranged by me was an entirely satisfying experience. Flowers are that which say a lot of our inner feeling whenever we make them as a medium of expression. Flowers bloom and die but in the process they do a great service for humanity.

Apart from this I got an opportunity to work as a tele-caller wherein I was assigned the task of calling past customers and enquire the date of births and dates of wedding anniversary . this database was to be used for the future expansion plans of the shop. Once we completed our targets we took leave from the extraordinarily warm-hearted owner of the shop, who gave us a pecuniary reward which was frankly al little more than we deserved.

Altogether it a memorable experience…..and will always remain….

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